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ana s




Catering for groups, parties and families

I cook from the heart following my mexican roots!

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Ana’s Mexican Roots is food prepared with love and the freshest local ingredients.

Ana’s dishes are inspired by her Mexican roots. It’s comfort food with a spicy twist!


Ana's Roots

Food played a very important role in my life as I grew up in Mexico. My brother and I would enjoy catching fish and crabs at the beach, to then have a spontaneous dinner with large groups of people. Unannounced guests are always welcome in Mexico!

I also loved to go to the market with my grandmother. She had the sharpest eye to choose ingredients, she was a natural. Vendors at the marketplace treated her like a royal, offering her only their very best products. The senses of smell and taste are a very powerful instant trip to memory lane.


With a tip of homemade salsa, I get transported to my grandfather’s comal, where he used to roast at 6am all the chillies to cook our family dinner.



Cooking for other people to make them feel good is my biggest reward. I love making people happy and bring them together with my food. The best conversations always have place at the table and sobremesas: food is the way to the heart! I enjoy creating, buying and preparing food. I can cook at my own kitchen in Amsterdam, at a restaurant kitchen, any professional kitchen, or a company canteen…even outdoors.


When I cook I’m often inspired by fresh local products and my Mexican roots. However, I also love to cook other types of dishes or mixing different cuisine styles.


One thing is for sure; everything from Ana’s Mexican Roots is homemade with great sazón.

"Did you know that traditional Mexican cuisine has been declared World Heritage by UNESCO? Many people only know the American version of tacos or nachos todos, but the Mexican cuisine is enormously rich in taste and variety. I would like to introduce you to the delicious flavors and scents that colored my childhood and brought me together with special people "

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ana's kitchen at Work or at home

Catering for THEATER

travel or delivery  

Ana cooks for theatre, dance and other companies. Ana can provide catering during the start-up period, rehearsals, editing period up to and including the performance of the performances.


This catering can be completely tailored to the situation, (diet) wishes and the budget of the group. Traveling along, cooking on location or dropping the food on the set/location are possible.


Ana catered for Amsterdamse Bostheater, among others,  Isabelle Beernaert, Ulrike Quade,  The warm shop, the Boslab, Tent theater productions, Jakop Ahlbom Company. And soon for you? Contact us for the possibilities.


delivery or cooking on location

Ana’s Mexican Roots catert ook voor bedrijven. Of het nu om een gezonde lunch gaat, een bedrijfsborrel of een klantenetentje, Ana neemt al het gedoe rondom het eten uit handen.


Alle hapjes en maaltijden worden volledig afgestemd op de wensen, allergieën en andere dieeteisen van werknemers en klanten. Desgewenst kan de catering compleet vegetarisch, veganistisch, biologisch, glutenvrij worden verzorgd.


Wij bezorgen het eten warm op locatie of bereiden het ter plaatse. Eventueel kunnen we tegen een meerprijs ook bestek en servies leveren en helpen met opdekken en afruimen. Informeer per mail naar de mogelijkheden.

catering AT HOME

delivery or cooking on location


Heeft u een verjaardag, bruilloft of wilt u lekker dineren met een gezelschap dan ben je bij Ana aan het juiste adres. Ana neemt al het gedoe rondom het eten uit handen.


Alle hapjes en gerechten worden volledig afgestemd op de wensen, allergieën en andere dieeteisen van werknemers en klanten. Desgewenst kan de catering compleet vegetarisch, veganistisch, biologisch, glutenvrij worden verzorgd.


Wij bezorgen het eten warm op locatie of bereiden het ter plaatse. Eventueel kunnen we tegen een meerprijs ook bestek en servies leveren en helpen met opdekken en afruimen. Informeer per mail naar de mogelijkheden.



*You will never find this comfort food with a spicy twist anywhere else. Only available from Ana’s Mexican Roots, homemade with love and passion with fresh ingredients and Ana’s gifted sazón.


* Preparing a lovely meal for a large group of people is a lot of work, starting by inventing the dishes and purchasing the products. Ana can do that for you so that you can enjoy with your guests and forget the hassle.


* Ana can bring the food ready to serve or to cook at your place, provide with all the full service and can even bring crockery and cutlery if you wish Anna to set your table.

* Ana Provides lunch or dinner for 10 friends just as easily as a buffet for 100 colleagues.


* Ana gets the food ready to enjoy at your place, event location or office and lets you know exactly what you need to do to eat it fresh and delicious.


* I-get happy from providing tasty snacks for a nice gathering, but also from giving a traditional Mexican workshop or preparing a dinner for a company party.


*All of Ana’s services can be adapted to your needs and wishes. If you want something special, need us to look after allergies, have a certain budget or require something specific like a fully vegetarian catering; contact us and Ana’s will provide.

The extra chili pepper in

Ana’s Mexican Roots catering:

" We ordered Ana’s food for an special occasion and it was great experience. The ingredients are fresh and the meal was delicious. Ana cooks with her soul and you can really tell she loves doing it. Can’t recommend her enough"

P. Sanchis


"Ana creates magic with her hands, her food is delicious, a perfect balance of taste, fresh ingredients and beautiful presentation. I have tried Ana’s food many times and every time I am pleasantly impressed. She provides a reliable service, on time, and professional. She is also a great person easy to communicate & super friendly"

R. Martinez


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ana's                   roots

Archimedesweg 60-II

1098JR, Amsterdam

tel: +31615481041


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